Ready to make your money work for you?

I'll help you structure your finances within 60 days so your hard-earned money can give you the life you deserve!

Plus access to all my tools and coaching for a lifetime!

I'm Ready!

Ready to make your money work for you?

I'll help you structure your finances within 60 days so your hard-earned money can start working for you.

Plus access to all my tools and coaching for a lifetime!

I'm Ready!

Does this sound familiar?

You worked your ass off last year, but you feel like your money isn't working for you.

You're not sure if you're doing the right things with your money.

You're overwhelmed by all of the financial strategies online.

And because of this, you find yourself in the same financial position as you were last year. Wondering how you can escape the rate race and become financially free.

…Fam, I understand exactly where you’re coming from and I’ve been there before.

Listen, there are plenty money “hacks” online but they don't make you wealthy over the long run.

I’ve tried them and they’re trash. You deserve more than a quick fix that doesn't work.

What's the Problem?

The problem is, no one tells what to do with your money and if you don’t come from a family who taught you how to manage your finances early in life, you are at a significant disadvantage.

Growing up, my family taught me plenty of ways to spend money, but no one told me how to make money work for me.

No one told me how to become financially secure. My parents just preached “be smart with your money” and that's about it.

Imagine a day where you look at your investment account and see your money working hard for you.

Month after month of passive income that’s building a more secure future for yourself.

What if you could build a more secure financial future within 60 days where I'll walk you through the exact strategy to give you more confidence in your finances.

The steps to becoming more comfortable with your finances don't have to be confusing. It's time that you graduate to a roadmap that provides step-by-step guidance from someone who has been in your shoes.

Think About it, What If This Could Be Your Reality in 60 Days?

On The Path Towards
Financial Freedom

Your Money Is
Working Hard For You

A Plan To Escape Debt

Accounts Set Up

Uncle Sam's Tax Code Is Working For YOU

More Financially

Need that!

Well, I built a program to teach you how!

Introducing, My Financially Bulletproof Investing Program!

A comprehensive program to help you structure your finances within 60 days so your hard-earned money can start working for you.


Here's why my students consider Financially Bulletproof the "best financial course out there"!


Watch this video! 


I put EVERYTHING that'll help you become financially free in this course.


Here are the modules!



All the important numbers you need to know.

How to easily calculate them and why they help you build wealth.

$429 Value


How to build a budget that works for YOU!

We will review all the different types of budgets and design the perfect money plan that'll fit your unique lifestyle.

$349 Value


Expense planning techniques

We will discuss how to strategically lower your expenses including how to negotiate your bills so you can pay less! Talking scripts included!

$397 Value


Investing made easy!

I will be putting all the complex investing words into layman terms so they are easier to understand.

We will discuss how to grow your money, what websites to use, my proven investment financially bulletproof investment philosophy, and more!

$570 Value


How to Take Advantage of Employer Benefits

Ever wonder how you can make your employer work harder for you? In this section we will discuss the most popular employer benefits options and how to take advantage of them including retirement and health care options!

$427 Value


How to get ahead of the IRS

Ever wonder what dates you should know and how you can use the IRS tax code to your advantage? You'll get all of that in this section!

$435 Value

On top of all of that, you're also going to get access to a bonus suite to take you to the finish line faster...

[BONUS MODULE #1] How to Invest for Your Kids!

Want to set your kids up for a financially free future? Let me show you how! In this module I walk through how you can set up 529 accounts, ESAs, UTMA / UGMAs, Custodial Roth IRAs, and MORE!

$1,262 value

[Bonus Module #2] Canadian Investing

The investing part of the course is US focused but I wanted to create something for my friends up north! Are you a Canadian Investor who's looking to start building wealth? this course is what you need! We discuss what different investment types, where you can invest, and more! 

$529 Value

[Bonus Module #3] Negotiating Your Salary

"I have too much money"... so no one ever. It's time that we get paid for our worth! Use this module to attract multiple job offers and boost your salary! This module takes you through the process step by step! 

$347 value

[Bonus Module #4] Boost Your Credit Score

Ready to boost your credit score but don't know where to start? Learn from the best and get the credit score you deserve! This module teaches you everything you need to know about taking your credit score to the next level! 

$547 Value

[Bonus Module #5] The REIT Blueprint

Learn how to own real estate and collect monthly payments WITHOUT fixing toilets and dealing with termites! In this bonus module we discuss Real Estate Investment Trusts, how they work, which ones we love, and how they can provide passive income!

$429 value

[Bonus Module #6] Estate Planning Essentials

Dive deep into the crucial aspects of estate planning, including comprehensive insights into life insurance, wills, and trusts. Ensure your legacy is protected and your loved ones are provided for with expert guidance in this essential bonus module.

$347 Value

[Mini Bonus Module] Advanced Debt Payoff Strategies

Gain exclusive access to advanced strategies for tackling debt head-on, including expert insights on paying off medical debt, navigating student loan forgiveness options, and crafting effective repayment strategies.

$247 Value

[Bi-Weekly Group Coaching] 

By joining the Financially Bulletproof course you'll receive two group bi-weekly coaching sessions where I will provide hands on support throughout your financial transformation! 

$597 value

[Certificate of Completion]  

You'll also receive a course certificate of completion after finishing the Financially Bulletproof Course.

Here's what the #Bulletproof Students are saying!

Jada joined the program so she could take her financial journey to the next level. Since joining the program, she has paid off her car, built her passive investment portfolio, started strategically investing more for her daughter.


“This has been one of the best decisions I’ve made! The program paid for itself and some!”


Dr. Jada took the course so she could start investing her hard-earned money


… All while working a demanding job as a pediatrician!


Jada mentions how she had a retirement account that she didn’t invest into and the course not only taught her about the different investment accounts out there, but also how she could build her own portfolio without all the stress.


Jada also plans to use the course to set up a College Savings 529 Fund for her sons!


Cat is a procurement manager who is going through her financial transformation! 


"By joining your program, I feel like I can actually retire in 5-10 years!" - Cat


In this video, Cat discusses how she made up her investment in the program within 30 days of joining



Steph is saving $1,500 a year by implementing tips from the program!


Steph said "I wish I would have taken this course 5 years ago...I would have saved so much more money!" 


Tayanee joined The Bulletproof Investing Community to pay off her car and credit card debt and invest for her daughter.


The course helped her pay off her car note #TeamNoCarNote, pay off her high interest credit cards, and build up her emergency fund!


Who is this course for?

People who are serious about getting their finances together.

Anyone is who is sick of their money not working for them.

Anyone who wants to build a better financial future and grow their long-term wealth.

Anyone who wants to streamline their investment journey.

Who is this course not for?

Anyone who doesn't take their financial future seriously.

Anyone who wants to "get rich quick"

You think ridiculous strategies like day-trading will make you wealthy (it doesn't btw)

Anyone who isn't committed to their money goals.

Hi, I'm Marc

My story starts from very humble beginnings.

Both of my biological parents suffered from drug addiction, so I was born into foster care. After 13 years of bouncing from foster home to foster home, I was finally adopted by a family in a small rural town in Pennsylvania which happened to be one of the poorest towns in America. My childhood was rough to say the least. 

After high school, I decided to self-fund my college education by working odd jobs and leveraging student aid. 

After graduating and with no finance skills whatsoever, I worked my way into the largest mutual fund company in the world (Vanguard) and was one of the 25 people across the country to join their rigorous management training program. Through this program, I learned the power of personal finance from one of the most respected investment firms in the world.

Though I was learning all about financial concepts, I was still living paycheck-to-paycheck and drowning in debt even with a $50,000 starting salary. As the year went on, I found myself working my ass off with no money to account for it. Since money management isn’t taught in school, I didn’t know how to budget, spend wisely, pay off debt, or invest my money.

Now, I have a six-figure investment portfolio, 100% debt-free, and am a full-time business owner. 

My financial strategies and success have been featured on some of the top new sources and I’m honored to be the go-to financial expert for over 310k families who follow my Instagram page, @BetterWallet.

I used to help millionaires become multi-millionaires, now I'm here to help you reach your first $100,000 invested!

By leveraging my 10 years of professional and personal experience.

… I'm here to level the playing field!

Lilly, an engineer, went from not knowing anything about investing to fluently speaking the investing language! Now she is investing for her nieces and nephews!


Lilly joined The Bulletproof Investing Community because she wanted direct access to a coach that could help her reach her goals, and not just listen to boring video content.



Lavonya took the course to enhance her financial knowledge as an accountant.


Lavonya is an accountant and business owner.


Listen to the video to hear how the course transformed her retirement savings and even how it saved her some serious cash in Health Savings Account (HSA) fees! 👀


Kelly, a medical technician, and her husband used the strategies from the course to pay off their car and now they has more money to invest! 


"There are a lot of knowledgeable people in your community... some of the people from the bi-weekly meetings, it's amazing how much they've learned from you!" - Kelly 


Hear how the course prepared Jesus for his next job! 

Jesus is a busy biomedical PhD student who wanted to leverage his rare free-time to learn more about investing and grow his wealth.

When asked about his favorite part of the program he mentioned: 


"Talking to you is my favorite part of the program, you're a great resource and getting "insider" information from the financial industry makes a difference.... the fact that I can just email you and ask my questions makes a huge difference as well."

"When I transition to a new position after school I know what to look for and what not to look for and how to take advantage of all of the benefits I'll have. Before this course, I didn't know how to go about that."



How do I know this works? 

During my time as a corporate financial advisor, I created the Bulletproof Method™️ which has been proven to help you get your finances in order and build long term wealth.

This method combines 10 years of corporate finance experience  with practical real life scenarios -- all tailored to take your finances from confusing to BOOMING.

Use this method to design the perfect financial future for you and your family! 

i'm ready

Financially Bulletproof Investing Program

Value $6,518

For a one-time payment of $1,367.50 

  • +10 Hours of Video Trainings ($2,607 value)
  • Access to all Bonus Modules ($3,114 value)
  • Bi-weekly Group Coaching ($597 value)
  • A Private Online Community ($200 value)
  • Direct Email Access to Me! (Priceless)
i want this

Here's what other Financially Bulletproof Students are saying!

For the past 13 years I have struggled financially trying to save, pay off debt and figure out how to make my money work for me. I started a downward spiral of taking out loans to pay off debts, which created more debt, not being able to save or invest. I lacked the knowledge of the different investment accounts and made attempts to invest that resulted in no returns.
Tired of feeling frustrated and like I was drowning I decided to research financial courses. A month ago, I started Marc’s Financially Bulletproof Investing Course and it transformed how I viewed and handled my finances for the better. During the course he provided different tools, techniques, and public resources to enhance my financial portfolio in a short time. The coaching sessions and the unrestricted access to him has helped me gain a better understanding of the financial world and boosted my financial knowledge.
I currently have a plan of action to reduce debt, increase savings, and finally grow my wealth with different investment accounts! My financial future is truly brighter!


I Want In!
Starting in my 50's I thought I was late to the financial party, but with Marc’s course and coaching calls I am definitely headed in the right direction in terms of planning for my retirement.
He made me realize the fees I was paying for some of my funds didn’t make sense because given their long-term underperformance.
Marc is very responsive, providing consistent support and guidance as needed. You will not be disappointed! #ontheMarc 


It's Time For A Change! Let's Do It


I started really earning money at age 22. My father had taught me a lot about finances and how to budget and how to track my expenses.
But when I got injured in 2021 I really felt anxiety about my finances. I had an advisor but didn’t truly understand where my money was going.
After doing a bit of research and finding Marc’s Financially Bulletproof Investing Course I felt comfortable leaving my advisor and managing my family finances in a way that insured that the well would not run dry. I'm able to figure out all of my healthy financial ratios and invest my own money for financial independence!



My Time Is Now! I'm Ready!

Jasmine stopped saying "one day I will start investing" and decided to jump into the program so she could start investing for your family! 


When I asked Jasmine: "Why did you join Financially Bulletproof"


She replied: "I didn't know anything about investing. You made everything so easy."


Listen to how the program gave her the investing community she didn't have before!


Hannah and Justin took the Financially Bulletproof Course to streamline their investments and be sure they were on the right track for retirement!


Listen to how they used the worksheets, guides, and homework to solidify their financial foundation. 



Frequently Asked Questions

The course is backed by the BetterWallet 30-Day Guarantee

My goal is to help you improve your finances. I'm so confident in this course that I added a guarantee. 

If you sincerely believe this course didn't provide any value whatsoever after going through every module and completely filling out the course worksheets, I will send you your money back if you complete this within the first 30 days after purchase. 

I'm Ready! Let's Do It!

Financially Bulletproof Investing Program

Value $6,518

For a one-time payment of $1,367.50

  • +10 Hours of Video Trainings ($2,607 value)
  • Access to all Bonus Modules ($3,114 value)
  • Bi-weekly Group Coaching ($597 value)
  • A Private Online Community ($200 value)
  • Direct Email Access to Me! (Priceless)
i want this